Did You Know That Minar-e-Pakistan Hid a Secret Design Feature in Plain Sight?

Did you know about this hidden symbolism in the Minar-e-Pakistan?

We all missed it!

We’ve all seen Minaar-e-Pakistan yes? We’ve all been there, but we’ve all been missing a special feature of the national landmark. A Facebook user, Tahir Mehmood Chaudhry shared this Best secret feature of Minaar-e-Pakistan, which was all but hidden in plain sight.

It’s been hidden in plain sight all along, we just weren’t looking nearly enough.
This spectacular shot was taken by photographer Muzamil Hussain Toori. The photographer’s eagle-eye view, Minaar-e-Pakistan displays a flower nestled on a star embraced by two crescents, one white & one green. Why does this sound so familiar? That’s because its signifies the Pakistani flag!

Now we’re thinking how did we miss this monument’s feature!

Whose Idea Was This?

The Most Popular Place Minaar-e-Pakistan was built in Lahore to mark the historic day the Pakistan Resolution was passed 23 March 1940. That is when the journey to independence hit its final milestone before the partition of the sub-continent.

The national monument is the brain-child of a Russian expat in Pakistan, Nasreddin Murat Khan.
The (CAP) Citizens Archive Pakistan collaborated with the search engine giant, Google to document how the monument was created. Together, they documented how the superb monument was produced.

According to best archives, as per a letter, Murat Khan’s architecture firm’s letterhead comprises of, “Illeri H N Murat Khan and Associates”

Reportedly, Murat Khan wanted to produce a ‘memorial that would symbolize the force which shaped Pakistan’. The 2 crescents represent East & West Pakistan. In his brilliance, he created the national landmark as we see it today, in all it’s glory. The 2 crescents were seen from the eagle-eye view showing Khan’s exceptional talent.

What do you think of this quirky little design feature? We bet most of us did not know of it until now.
